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Drive-Thru Miracle


Eleven-year-old Mae is dying to know why everybody's stopping by the church's Drive-Thru Prayer. She figures her sworn enemy, Bubba, is praying for some smarts. But when her best friend, Jimmy Mac, goes, she's got to find out why he hasn't shared his burden with her.


Mae thinks praying and hoping for things to change is a waste of time. After all, her older sister is still in a wheelchair. But she'd give anything for something good to happen in her tiny hopeless town.


All it will take is a miracle. 


Where did I get the idea?

The rapids at Tribble Mill Park helped inspire Drive-Thru Miracle. Buddy and I have a had a spill or two on these slippery rocks!














An actual Drive-Thru Prayer sign at New Hope Church also inspired the story!






I saw the church's drive-thru prayer for the first time

in 2013. Mr. Wayne was there to pray with anyone

who stopped by. This is him almost 10 years later,

still faithfully serving the community. It was awesome

to give him a copy of the book!






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Drive-Thru Miracle Final Cover .jpg

Drive-Thru Miracle has two major themes:


1. Every person, regardless of who they are, where they come from, how they look, or how capable they are, has worth and value and deserves kindness and friendship.


2. Even when our past and present circumstances tell us there is no hope, we must believe there is. We must have hope. In fact, because we are created with a soul, mind, and body, we have to have faith, hope, and love to face life's challenges.


Now faith is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Heb. 11:1


© 2021 DanaEdwardsWrites

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